
You know I was all ready on my dev box to start messing around with apache2,
when we had a major evil thing happen on our fancy server. So my dev box had
to become our server. And because I have not had any personal experence with
apache 2, I converted everthing back to 1.x on the dev box.  

But you are right of course, I should not just assume because of hearsay
that Apache2 will be faster. But between the threading, and the file cache
module I *hope* it is faster :) 

Here is one kind of old thing I found on google:

They are focused on PHP, but it seems like there might be some problems with
the DSO only stuff. Weird that it is not easier to find stuf, I would have
expected millions of hits on google for this.  I will definatly will work on
a better test with static and mod_perl  once we get our fancy server back
and post it to the list.  But I can't believe someone on this list hasn't
done that already. 



At 06:09 PM 1/21/03 +1100, Stas Bekman wrote:
>Perrin Harkins wrote:
>> Eric Frazier wrote:
>>> On that note, how about just using Apache2 for the proxy front end, and
>>> mod_perl /apache 1.x for the back end? I have wanted to try to avoid the
>>> thttpd stuff for images and from what I have heard about apache2 it can
>>> handle static pages a lot faster than the 1.x did.
>> You really should be able to get more than enough performance out of 1.x 
>> for static files, unless you are using very old hardware.  We used a 
>> slim 1.x build with mod_proxy, mod_ssl, and mod_rewrite for all of our 
>> static files at eToys and it ran like a champ.  It's true that both 
>> thttpd and apache 2 have better performance,
>Where did you see the benchmarks showing that Apache 2.0 has a better 
>performance than 1.3? Apache 2.0 should scale better when threads are used (on 
>platforms where threads are faster than processes) and it's definitely a must 
>for win32, but I haven't seen any numbers other than some reports to the 
>httpd-dev list, so I don't know. Also Apache 2.0 provides features like 
>filters, which were almost impossible with 1.3, though how things get slowed 
>down when these are used is a question. Please notice that I'm not saying that 
>2.0 is slower, I'm just asking to see the numbers ;)
>Stas Bekman            JAm_pH ------> Just Another mod_perl Hacker
>http://stason.org/     mod_perl Guide ---> http://perl.apache.org
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