
I'm trying to use the example from the Eagle book on page 309 - 314 using
the TicketAccess, TicketMaster, TicketTool handlers.

In TicketMaster in sub go_to_uri it sets the a cookie with the $ticket.

I can print $ticket to error log to see what it contains. But for some
reason the cookie never gets set.

Netscape's cookie manager doesn't show any new cookie from my site.

Here is a copy from my httpd.cong file for the two servers.

david1 is a mod_proxy for the mod_perl server (david)

On david1 I have
ProxyPass /login.pl http://david:8080/login.pl
ProxyPassReverse /login.pl http://david:8080/

On david the mod_perl server in the httpd.conf file I have

<Location /login.pl>
        SetHandler  perl-script
        PerlHandler Apache::TicketMaster
        PerlSetVar  TicketDomain   david1
        PerlSetVar  TicketSecret   /key.txt
        PerlSetVar  TicketDatabase mysql:admin
        PerlSetVar  TicketTable    person:user:passwd
        PerlSetVar  TicketExpires  100

<Directory /usr/local/systems/work/>
        PerlSendHeader On
        SetHandler perl-script
        PerlHandler Apache::Registry
        Options +ExecCGI

        # OLD
        #AuthName "Oppilaitosjärjestelmä"
        #AuthType Basic
        #PerlAuthenHandler Apache::AuthAny
        #require valid-user
        #<Limit GET POST PUT DELETE>
        #        require valid-user

        # NEW
        PerlAccessHandler Apache::TicketAccess
        PerlSetVar TicketDomain david1
        PerlSetVar TicketSecret   /key.txt
        PerlSetVar  TicketDatabase mysql:admin
        PerlSetVar  TicketTable    person:user:passwd
        PerlSetVar  TicketExpires  100
        ErrorDocument 403 /login.pl

        ErrorDocument 401 /bin/admin/error/401.html
        #ErrorDocument 403 /bin/admin/error/403.html
        ErrorDocument 404 /bin/admin/error/404.html
        ErrorDocument 500 /bin/admin/error/500.html

Any help is appreciated


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