Hann, Brian wrote:
Actually I think I got it, but thanks for the tip on $r->prev->notes.
I'll have to give it a try.  And yes, I've been poring over the cookbook
for most of the day :)


Here's what I ended up doing: When I hit a place in my authen module that required me to do:


I would instead do:

$r->set_handlers('PerlHandler' => ['AuthFailure']);
return OK;

this seems really strange. I think I'd rather see a call to custom_response() to set up the error processing rather than short-circuiting the API.

Then in AuthFailure I have this:

$r->content_type('text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1');

you shouldn't ever set the status of the the request - it mucks up Apache's internal ErrorDocument cycle. I wouldn't be surprised if the results of all this, in a test via telnet, didn't show something suspicious (like "Additionally, the server encountered a 401..." or something).


So far it seems to be working fine, and my notes() are coming across.

well, if it works, then... :)

but reconsider the design a bit - I'm sure you can do what you want using the typical API formula. after all, using the authentication phase for authentication is why the phase is there: there should be no need to set up WWW-Authenticate headers from the content phase.



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