While I'm programming mod_perl for quite a while now I only recently
discovered the wonders of writing my own apache-handlers.

I used CGI.pm in my mod_perl-application to get 'path_info', 'param',
print out headers and more.
None of this works inside my own handlers any more.

I discovered replacements like Apache::Request but I'm now sure if
this would work inside a handler.

My Questions:

- which docs can you recommend that will answer all these questions to me like
  *why* does CGI.pm not work any more ?
  Is there any way to make it nevertheless work, so I could easily use my old projects 
  What to use instead ?

  Is the O'Reilly about apache-modules what I'm looking for ? I've the
small O'reilly about mod_perl but it raises more questions than its

- whats the maineffect of a simple ResponseHandler at all compared
with a perl-program run under mod_perl ? Is it much faster, cause it
handles things more efficiently ? By now I used to use an
Alias-Directive in apache to direct certains requests to a single
perl-script and use path_info() to detect the "additional
arguments". For the use there is no difference at all.


mag. peter pilsl
tel: +43-699-1-3574035
fax: +43-699-4-3574035

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