I used CGI.pm in my mod_perl-application to get 'path_info', 'param',
print out headers and more.
None of this works inside my own handlers any more.

Which mod_perl generation are you using? mod_perl 1.0 (1.27?) or mod_perl 2.0 (1.99_08?). I suspect that you use mp2, since you mention later ResponseHandler, which doesn't exist in mp1. If that's the case, are you using the latest CGI.pm version? (older versions are known not malfunction with mp2).

If after getting the latest versions you still have problems, please post a *simple* several lines handler/script which doesn't work for you. Asking *why* CGI.pm doesn't work, is similar to asking why my car doesn't move from its place ;) You have to be more specific and then we will be able to figure out, what the problem is.

- whats the maineffect of a simple ResponseHandler at all compared
with a perl-program run under mod_perl ? Is it much faster, cause it
handles things more efficiently ? By now I used to use an
Alias-Directive in apache to direct certains requests to a single
perl-script and use path_info() to detect the "additional
arguments". For the use there is no difference at all.

If you are talking about perl-scripts running under Apache::Registry or Apache::PerlRun, you are in fact running response handlers. The scripts are converted to such behind the scenes. In addition registry scripts do a few more things, which slow things down just a tiny-bit, probably insignificant if you programs are big enough. If you want to explore more, you will find this information and a lot more at http://perl.apache.org/docs/.

> I discovered replacements like Apache::Request but I'm now sure if
> this would work inside a handler.

Apache::Request works as a drop-in replacement for CGI.pm's request parsing for mp1. It's not yet available for mp2.

Stas Bekman            JAm_pH ------> Just Another mod_perl Hacker
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