thnx for your reply.
I use mod_perl 2 (1.99_08) and CGI.pm 2.91 and Apache 2.0.44. I thought that CGI.pm
wouldnt work at all, so I didnt give any examples.
I wrote a simply script that checks if running under mod_perl,
displays some parameter and evaluates/presents a form.
This script (source below) I implement as simple mod_perl-script one time and as
PerlResponseHandler the other time. As sole mod_perl-script it works
perfect, while as Handler:
PerlModule goldfisch::apache::random
  <Location /time>
      SetHandler modperl

This is your problem. CGI.pm relies on things like Apache->request and env vars, neither of which is available under 'SetHandler modperl'. Change it to 'SetHandler perl-script' and read:

Stas Bekman            JAm_pH ------> Just Another mod_perl Hacker
http://stason.org/     mod_perl Guide ---> http://perl.apache.org
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] http://use.perl.org http://apacheweek.com
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