
I have read through the lists looking for issues related to mp2 and
@INC, and have read the part about "+Parent" and virtual hosts.  What
about the following scenario?

One apache2 server w/ mp2 (no virtual hosts) and several perl coders
using the server as a development site.

Is there a "best" way to configure the apache/mp2 setup so that there
doesn't have to be constant additions to "startup.pl" to adjust the
INC path?  What about name space conflicts?

For example, I want developer1 to use /dev1, and developer2 /dev2.  I
want each developer to be able to build functions below there
directories in as many subdirectories as projects they have going on.
I don't want developer1's "functions.pm" code to interfere with
developer2's "functions.pm".

Is such an arrangement even possible under mp2?  I've been using
Apache1/mp1 and this works fine, but all my tests with mp2 end up
giving me 

ModPerl::Registry: Can't locate FUNC.pm in @INC (@INC contains:
/usr...) types of  errors.  And for identically named files (e.g.
functions.pm above), I get the subroutines from the first listed
functions.pm in the @INC path, which are the wrong ones being called

Can anyone push me in the write direction?

Thanks for any help


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