
Thanks for the info.  I'll try setting up some virtual hosts.  More

On Wed, Apr 02, 2003 at 06:07:01PM -0500, Perrin Harkins wrote:
> Brian C. Thomas wrote:
> >I have read through the lists looking for issues related to mp2 and
> >@INC, and have read the part about "+Parent" and virtual hosts.
> You should read the docs for tips on this, especially here:
> http://perl.apache.org/docs/general/control/control.html#Starting_a_Personal_Server_for_Each_Developer
> The strategies for this are mostly unaffected by mp 1 vs 2.
> >Is there a "best" way to configure the apache/mp2 setup so that there
> >doesn't have to be constant additions to "startup.pl" to adjust the
> >INC path?
> If you don't need to restart the server, you could give each developer a 
> separate virtual host with a separate pool of perl interpreters.  These 
> could each have a different @INC setting and would not share code.  If 
> you need people to be able to restart though, it has to be separate servers.
> >For example, I want developer1 to use /dev1, and developer2 /dev2.  I
> >want each developer to be able to build functions below there
> >directories in as many subdirectories as projects they have going on.
> >I don't want developer1's "functions.pm" code to interfere with
> >developer2's "functions.pm".
> Well, what I mentioned above will let you do that, but how do you do it 
> on the production server?  You probably don't want to have multiple 
> pools of interpreters there, since it would use more memory.  If you 
> keep these files in a separate namespace, it won't be an issue.  Are 
> these real modules, with package declarations?
> >Is such an arrangement even possible under mp2?  I've been using
> >Apache1/mp1 and this works fine
> How are you doing it in mp1?  There is no support for pools of 
> interpreters in mp1, so all of your code must be using the same @INC.

Right, I guess it just "feels" like it is working under mp1, since I
can get @INC to contain "." (the current dir) and use StatINC in all
the developer locations.  In the mp2 server, it shows me a different
@INC, that doesn't include "." (is it possible in mp2?).

Thanks again,


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