Michael L. Artz wrote:
I am stuck in an Ensim environment


What is possible within an .htaccess file as far as perl configuration for mod_perl 1?

just about anything. I use an Ensim installation, and am constantly frustrated by it. however, there are ways around just about anything. for instance, I couldn't install an ErrorDocument in a .htaccess file for some reason. fine, I just used

PerlInitHandler 'sub { shift->custom_response(404, "/notfound.html"); return 0}'

and problem solved :) you can use this approach for just about anything - I've also use $r->handler('default-handler') to force .cgi documents to be un-executed and shown as plain text (useful for code examples :). and it doesn't need to be from an anonymous sub either.

What happens with PerlModule directives, i.e. does the module get loaded only once, the first time that apache processes the .htaccess, or every time apache hits the directory?

it probably won't matter - like use(), perl will only use() the module once.

Similarly, If I am developing a module in place and PerlModule it within an .htaccess, will it be reloaded whenever apache hits the directory, or only once?

modules are only loaded once - the first time they are use()d per-child (or at server init)

If its only once, can I force a reload of the module?


PerlInitHandler Apache::StatINC

to reload them during development (I've also used this on ensim :)



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