Michael L. Artz wrote:

Apache::StatINC is R.I.P. Use Apache::Reload instead.

but Apache::StatINC comes with mp1 and Apache::Reload doesn't - it's difficult to install modules on these ensim boxes since you don't have root (and yes, there are other ways around it of course :)

Well, Apache::StatINC wasn't distributed with the install of mod_perl that I was using (1.24) or else it wasn't in the global @INC, so I just snapped up the source from cpan and put it (with an addition to @INC) locally in my ensim tree.

eh? It's been in the distro for the last 6 years or so. But Apache::Reload is a way to go. mp2 has only it. So it's better to get used to it.

I will try and get Apache::Reload working, since Stas says so :) I think that I can install any module that doesn't need a compiler, although the whole 'make test' thing might get me since I don't have access to the httpd binary. Who needs testing anyway?

I don't think it has a test suite anyways.

Stas Bekman            JAm_pH ------> Just Another mod_perl Hacker
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