
In an attempt to simplify the install process for dependencies with my modules, I have been using the ExtUtils::AutoInstall module. (Great module, BTW :) ) But, with the current state of affairs with mod_perl and its availability from CPAN, I wanted to through an information notice to the effect of, "if you are planning to use mod_perl2 and apache2, you will have to answer no here, and manually download it from perl.apache.org..." I contacted Autrijus Tang, the maintainer of ExtUtils::AutoInstall, and asked him if it was possible, (I didn't see it documented), and he answered with this:

   # notify the user about mod_perl 2
   BEGIN { print q{
       **************** NOTICE *********************
       If you are planning to use mod_perl2 and Apache2, please, do not
       answer yes when prompted to install mod_perl.  You will need to
       download mod_perl2 manually from
   } }

I placed it after the first BEGIN block and voila! I am communicating :)

Hope this helps someone.


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