Hi Ged,

On Wed, Jul 16, 2003 at 07:06:43AM +0100, Ged Haywood wrote:
> On Tue, 15 Jul 2003, Jez Hancock wrote:
> > Does anyone how one could log errorlog entries in a similar manner to
> > the script above - ie pipe the errorlog to a script which appends one
> > copy of the error entry to a main error logfile and another copy to the
> > virtual host's error logfile?
> It's possible, but I don't think you really want to do it.  You would
> be asking the server to do more than is necessary while handling each
> request (you probably already are:).
This was my reason for considering using mod_perl :)

> Would it not be better for example to rotate your logs frequently, and
> to process them afterwards, off-line?  You would then have a choice of
> doing things with the various log file analysis tools too.  If you are
> a little bit creative in what you log, it can be simple to extract the
> information you need for each vhost from one file.
I would do this but we wanted to give our users 'live' logfiles, rather
than making them wait until log rotation before being able to view them
(or did I misunderstand you?).

> Have you considered using something other than flat files for logging?
We started looking at mod_log_sql:


but had trouble getting it to work on FreeBSD unfortunately.  The plan
was to log everything to a central MySQL (or pgsql) db table, a copy to
the vhost's logging table, same with errors (gawd knows how intense this
would be on the system).  Then when a user wanted to view their
logfiles, they'd login to their control panel and request to view only the
files they were interested in.  At this point a static copy of the log
they requested would be created in the filesystem and (optionally) a
compressed copy transferred to them in the browser.

To be honest I don't know about the above.  First of all it requires a
lot of DB transactions which would probably mean using pgsql to be safe.
Secondly there's the CGI coding that would need to be done and I don't
know how efficient or practical such a CGI script would really be.
Finally I prefer the idea of user's automatically just getting a set of
logfiles created directly to the filesystem.

Right now it seems a bit silly having a separate ErrorLog line in each
of the apache virtual host stubs, but as far as I am aware there isn't
an easier way is there?


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