On Wed, Jul 16, 2003 at 12:40:10PM -0700, Marc M. Adkins wrote:
> > > Right now it seems a bit silly having a separate ErrorLog line in each
> > > of the apache virtual host stubs, but as far as I am aware there isn't
> > > an easier way is there?
> >
> > You could look at mod_macro.
> mod_macro (http://www.coelho.net/mod_macro) works great for me.  I found
> that I had to make a few changes to get it to build for Apache 2.0.46.  To
My main motivation for running apache2 would be to make use of
the PerChild MPM which from what I can glean is still not working :(
This directive would save me a lot of hassles wrt running cgi scripts
(php in particular) with the euid of the script owner.  All this as I'm
tussling with mod_suphp...


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