> > One possibility: Check the -path option. It's supposed to set it to '/'
> > by default if you dont specify it, but it doesn't. I discovered this
> > about 20 minutes ago with a similar bug. So manually specify something
> > like:
> > my $cookie = Apache::Cookie->new($r,
> >                         -name => 'cookiename',
> >                         -value => 'someval',
> >                         -expires => '+7d',
> >                         -domain => '.dontvisitus.org',
> >                         -path => '/',
> >                         );

what I have is this:

sub set_auth_cookie {
        my $state = shift;

        my $val = build_auth_string($state);
        my $c = Apache::Cookie->new($state->{r},
                -name           => 'ttms_user',
                -value          => $val,
                -expires        => time + 86400*30*7,
                -domain         => $Cookie_Domain,
                -path           => '/',
        $state->{cookie_out} = $c;

This is called by various other routines, and $state is a hash = {r => $r, q =
\%q }, where q is a hash = {$r->args, $r->content}.

build_auth_string is another subroutine that makes a 446bit encryption string
thats encoded with mime::base64...

I got a path.  Does that get sent to all webpages ever, or just ones underh te
/ directory?  In otherwords, does hte cookie get sent when accessing
/login.html and not when accessing /admin/view_techs.html?

All the pages on this domain are generated dynamically with a custom built
dispatch table and some awesome subroutinage.  Does that matter?  Maybe I
should read the complete netscape cookie specification :/

I know the cookie is set because it tells me when it expires and when it was
last accessed and what not on the box I browse to it with. (win2k... blah)

And the program itself is running in a Linux environment :)

Time for more warnage in the routines...

If anyone wants sourcecode to look at, email me.  It's much to big to just
post to the list.


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