> No progress yet. I just tested pnotes in the same handler and it works.
> Tested it again by setting a value in the content handler and trying to
> retreive it it my logging handler and no luck.

It looks like I start work on finding out about your problem tonight instead
of last night.

Funny story:  I did a field call this morning in Palmer, had to do a line test
for DSL.  Then I had to do another one down Knik Goose Bay road (I know you
have no idea of these locations, but thats roughly 30 miles there...).  About
25 miles out of Palmer, I hear this "ti-ti-ti-ti-thwou - whack" vaguely
somewhere above and behind me.

Anwyays, get to the location, customers mahcine is up and running on DSL, so
no line test neccessary.

On my way back to Palmer, I see this laptop on the side of the road...  I pull
over, and guess what I left sitting on the van in Palmer?

Weeee.  Ever seen remains of a laptop after hitting pavement at 55mph?

I can't believe it stayed up there for so long.  I was stopping at all kinds
of stop lights/signs and stuff, and reaching speeds of 80mph around curves :D

Alright, so this wasn't mod_perl related.  A bunch of techies can laugh over
this tho, and humor is a good thing :)


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