In this project I'm making (database), I have several variables with a
potential for a large amount of information to be held in them.

They're all hashes.  Some are hashes of hashes...

There is a tech_list, which holds information about each technician.
There is a queue_list which holds an ID and a queue name (to interact with a
There is a list of ISP's (we're the help desk for 3, and constantly looking
for more)
There is a list of service plans (dialup, 256k/512k/768k dsl..)
There is a list of operating systems..
A list of browsers...

All the lists have an ID component and a name component, so it's used in the
context of

<DEFANGED_select name="os"><DEFANGED_option 
value="$_">$list{$_}</DEFANGED_option></DEFANGED_select> (where $_ is
the current iteration of a foreach loop and everything in the option tags is
created as it iterates...)

Is there a way I could get these variables populated on server start and never
loaded again unless the database was changed?  So in my subroutine for posting
an event that changed it I could call "repopulate_queue_hash" and have it redo
the hash, so changes still happened without a restart, but the hash itself is
just passed from the root apache process to the children?

I know this means that each child would retain the old hash util it died and
another one respawned, meaning some people would see the change and others
wouldn't until it fully propogated, but I can make that happen easily enough
by decreasing the number of requests per child...  I know that happens at some
performance loss, but I think the loss of performance in Apache would be less
than the loss of performance generating the same hash over and over again,
which will grow to be huge after time.  Consider 350 users using this thing
for a solid 16 hours a day, and a hundred or so using it the other 8.....



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