> > Is there a way I could get these variables populated on server start and
> > loaded again unless the database was changed?  So in my subroutine for
> > an event that changed it I could call "repopulate_queue_hash" and have it
> > the hash, so changes still happened without a restart, but the hash itself
> > just passed from the root apache process to the children?
> You can load it into globals at startup and their values will be shared
> by all children until you write to them.  You could also load it

So in startup.perl put

my %queue_list = list_queues;
my %tech_list = list_techs;

and so on?

Then each process would get a copy of the hash?

> separately in each child process in the init hook.  However, you'd

If I did that, then I'd want a few children processes at a time and also with
a few amount of requests per child...  Boy am I ever glad this'll be moved off
my box once it's finsihed ;)

> probably be better off using MLDBM::Sync, so that all changes are shared
> immediately.  It's quite fast, and since it uses a tied interface it
> would be easy to switch your code to use globals if it turns out not be
> fast enough.

After reading the perldoc for MLDBM, and reviewing my deadline for the project
of "today", I think I'll just use globals for now.  But once I meet get the
management satisified, I'll be moved into a "enhancment" phase of hte project,
instead of a devel phase, and I'll implement it then to see how well it works.

Thanks :)

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