Stephen Clouse wrote:
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On Wed, Jul 30, 2003 at 11:15:32PM +0200, Stas Bekman wrote:

Jarkko has just released perl-5.8.1-RC3. Quite a few things have changed since 5.8.0. So it's *very* important that you test your code with this release and immediatelly report to p5p if you have any problems, since Jarkko wants to release 5.8.1 any moment now.

Iniital report: I just finished a build with ithreads and worker mpm. All perl
and mod_perl tests pass.

Thanks for the note Stephen, but this is not very useful if you don't tell the details about your platform and setup. If you post here the output of t/REPORT or mp2bug that will be much more useful. Thanks.

The only problem so far is the "ithreads mod_perl
takes three glacial eons to start" issue.  You brought that up on modperl-dev a
few days ago but I haven't had a chance to rebuild everything with ithreads
until now.  Did you ever hear anything from Arthur?

That was a different though related issue. since mod_perl's test suite is huge (loads about 100 test modules + about 50 normal modules) it takes a long time to copy the mutable data when creating a new perl clone. That should be fixed when perl implements COW (copy-on-write), so it'll work similar to the OS-level sharing. However this won't happen in 5.8.1 :(

Stas Bekman            JAm_pH ------> Just Another mod_perl Hacker     mod_perl Guide --->

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