Title: the installation nightmare continues

Taking a step or two back I have started the process over again.  I have created my download directory for a non-root user and built and compiled perl 5.8.0, which went smoothly and passed all of the tests along the way. 

This brings me to mod_perl.  I opted to build apache staticly, and use the makepl_args.mod_perl file that Ged (tks ged) had suggestion.  Reading through the mod-perl install site (http://perl.apache.org/docs/1.0/guide/install.html), it actually made a lot more sense after the suggestion. 

I'm having issues running make test for mod perl.  Since Apache is staticly built, it needs to be running in order to test mod perl.  

make test fails
You cannot run make test before you build Apache, so if you told perl Makefile.PL not to build the httpd executable, there is no httpd to run the test against. Go to the Apache source tree and run make, then return to the mod_perl source tree and continue with the server testing.


So I built, tested and made apache with:
$ ./configure --prefix=/usr/local/apache
$ make
$ make install
$ usr/locall/apache/bin/apachectl start   (started fine)

Running make test for mod perl gives: server failed to start! please examine t/logs/error_log
This looks like its apache test server is not working, but apache is tested. compiled, built and started.  I ran into this error before I compiled apache, and it made sense why I was getting the error, but now that this is "fixed" it shouldn't be a problem.....

I'm I missing something?
also I checked modperl/t/logs/error_log where mp test should write to (and says that it is), but there is no log file....

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