This is exactly what mine looks like.  I don't have the:
 >  APACI_ARGS=--enable-module=rewrite
 >   APACI_ARGS=--enable-module=so

since I doun't want to run modperl as DSO. Most literature I'm reading points against for now I'm just trying to have modperl run static.

enabling mod_so doesn't necessarily build mod_perl via DSO - the arguments (or lackthereof) to mod_perl's build determine that. whether you want DSO or not for other things is up to you.

I didn't relaize that do_httpd=1 was building apache...


Invalid command '=pod', perhaps mis-spelled or defined
by a module not included in the server configuration

=pod is a mod_perl directive - the error means that mod_perl isn't enabled properly. do httpd -l on the (uninstalled) binary in your apache build directory and see what shows up.

given your troubles, I'd rm -rf both mod_perl and apache, re-untar, and start from scratch, this time letting mod_perl build apache for you. be sure to check the output of make, making sure it completes successfully before trying to test the installation.



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