On Wednesday 06 August 2003 19:53, Christopher Grau wrote:

> Are you sure the content-type is "text/html"?  Since you have your
> own <Location> handler, Apache is probably using the value from the
> DefaultType directive which, I think, defaults to "text/plain" when
> Apache is installed.

That's it,

    $r->content_type ne 'text/html';

succeeds because $r->content_type is undef, so we return DECLINED and
the default content handler is run AFAICT.

DefaultType is text/plain in httpd.conf, why that method returns undef?

To fix that, is it safe to change the test to 

    defined $r->content_type and $r->content_type ne 'text/html';

or is there a better way?

-- fxn

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