I am trying to write a "Hello World!"-like set up involving a 
PerlFixupHandler but cannot get it to work. What I want to 
accomplish is:

    1. Configure Dispatcher.pm as a PerlFixupHandler for

    2. Let Dispatcher.pm set ContentHandler.pm as the content
       handler for that request.

    3. Have ContentHandler.pm called in the corresponding phase.

but in the Apache log I see:

    File does not exist: /home/fxn/prj/bw/buscawap/www/htdocs/admin

so looks like Apache is running the default handler looking under the
document root, which is /home/fxn/prj/bw/buscawap/www/htdocs.

This is mod_perl.conf:

    # Just change @INC
    PerlRequire /home/fxn/prj/bw/buscawap/etc/startup.pl

    PerlModule Dispatcher
    <Location /admin>
        PerlFixupHandler Dispatcher


    package Dispatcher;

    use Apache::Constants ':common';

    sub handler {
        my $r = shift;

        return DECLINED if $r->content_type ne 'text/html';
        return SERVER_ERROR unless $r->can_stack_handlers;

        $r->set_handlers(PerlHandler => ['ContentHandler']);

        return OK;



    package ContentHandler;

    use Apache::Constants qw(OK);

    sub handler {
        my $r = shift;


        return OK;


What am I missing?

-- fxn

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