On Tuesday 02 September 2003 07:28, Perrin Harkins wrote:

> Sorry, I don't understand what you're saying here.  What you should
> be doing is fetching the session once, putting it in pnotes, and
> getting it from pnotes for the rest of the request.

I am sorry, I'll try to reword it.

Let's assume a new user comes to the website. We set up a session for 
him and put the session id in a cookie to be sent in the response. As 
you know, somewhere in the request cycle of that particular request 
Apache::Session::Oracle stores the session in the database.

When later that very user comes back to the website with a valid session 
id in the cookie, one reads the session from the database.

The problem I am facing is that if the session is stored in pnotes() it 
doesn't end up in the database. When the user comes back that id 
corresponds to no row in the sessions table.

Is it better now?

-- fxn

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