Sorry, I missed this message until now...

On Tue, 2003-09-02 at 14:21, Xavier Noria wrote:
> Let's assume a new user comes to the website. We set up a session for 
> him and put the session id in a cookie to be sent in the response. As 
> you know, somewhere in the request cycle of that particular request 
> Apache::Session::Oracle stores the session in the database.

It happens when the session object gets destroyed.

> The problem I am facing is that if the session is stored in pnotes() it 
> doesn't end up in the database. When the user comes back that id 
> corresponds to no row in the sessions table.

Okay, the problem is not pnotes.  The pnotes stuff gets cleared at the
end of every request, so it would save then, after the user
disconnects.  Probably what's happening is that you have a scoping
problem somewhere in your code that deals with pnotes and it is keeping
the session object from going out of scope.

One thing you can try is explicitly saving the session, using the method
described in the Apache::Session documentation.  If that works, it means
you just have to find your scoping problem.  Maybe you can locate it by
removing code bit by bit until the problem goes away.  If you can make a
very short script that demonstrates the problem, you can post it here
and we'll help you find it.

- Perrin

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