
Just Forwarding this to the list

> Having no idea as to how the internals of modperl and apache actually
> work, this may seem like a bit of a dumb suggestion.
> When doing a subrequest from within a filter, the most ideal situation
> would be to have access to the output from within the same filter.
> I don't know how this would be best done, but one example i can think
> would be maybe to be given access to file handle which can be read
> The data from the subrequest can then be processed and incorporated as
> required.
> The reason I have ended up fiddling around with subrequests in filters
> is because i was originally writing a few extensions for SSI in MP1.
> My original plan was to create a small library of includable objects
> such as hit counters, fortune generators and photo albums etc
> The idea then was that other people with local access to my server can
> create simple html files that contain SSI directives to include the
> various objects.
> It was all going extremely well, until I tried to set a cookie from
> within a subrequest.
> After that, i ran into a whole load of trouble trying to capture the
> output from a subrequest, and ended up turning to mp2
> I was wondering if there are any other avenues I should explore in
> to set up such a system.
> Thank you for spending time on this problem I appreciate it greatly


On Thu, 2003-09-04 at 14:21, Geoffrey Young wrote:

see Apache::SSI for mp1 - it does exactly what you are trying to do and
subclassable, so you can add your own tags/functionality if you want.

>> After that, i ran into a whole load of trouble trying to capture the
>> output from a subrequest

see recipe 5.7 in the mod_perl developer's cookbook for that, or look at
Apache::SSI source, which does it a different way.

Craig Shelley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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