Craig Shelley wrote:
Hello again..

On Thu, 2003-09-04 at 14:21, Geoffrey Young wrote:

see Apache::SSI for mp1 - it does exactly what you are trying to do


is subclassable, so you can add your own tags/functionality if you want.

That is exactly what I am already doing. When using #exec directive I noticed I could not set the headers

typically, a subrequest gets its headers from the current request.

if you want to alter them, use $r->headers_in->set, but this is generally only used to test what-if scenarios: what if the current request had a cookie, could it access this document?

anyway, if you need that, then you could probably create your own subclass and override ssi_exec to simply set the incoming headers and then SUPER::ssi_exec.

or something like that (off the top of my head, anyway ;)

see recipe 5.7 in the mod_perl developer's cookbook for that, or look


the Apache::SSI source, which does it a different way.

That is something i have yet to get my hands on!

the book has a simpler example as well, but you should be able to figure out the important LWP bits from the online code example


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