On 10/8/03 11:09 AM, "Josh Chamas" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Chris M wrote:
>> I am trying to get a new configuration going.  When I start 2.0.47 I get:
>> # /etc/rc.d/init.d/httpd start
>> Starting httpd: Syntax error on line 1110 of /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf:
>> <Perl> directive missing closing '>'     [FAILED]
>> Line 1110 is the <Perl> line below:
>> PerlModule Apache::ASP
>> <Directory /usr/local/apache/htdocs/freeside-asp>
>>         <Files ~ (\.cgi)>
>>                 AddHandler perl-script .cgi
>>                 PerlHandler Apache::ASP
>>         </Files>
>>         <Perl>
>>                $MLDBM::RemoveTaint = 1;
>>         </Perl>
> In recent versions of Apache::ASP, I do not believe you need RemoveTaint,
> so if you just remove that Perl block entirely, I think you will be fine.
> Also be sure to explicitly set StateDir, or set NoState instead, otherwise
> your state file end up in Global/.state which is probably not what you want.

I'll read up on that.  Thanks.

> Also note that some older versions of mod_perl 2 had problems parsing <Perl>
> blocks, so be sure to upgrade to the latest mod_perl 2 released if you
> want to use them.
> Regards,
> Josh

I'm running mod perl 1.99_09.  07 gave funky compile stuff. Using <Perl >
instead of <Perl> as Stas suggested seemed to help that.

I'll try taking it out though as well.

I posted a followup about the next problem, the <Directory> tag.  I've been
pounding on this for awhile so it is not surprising that simple things are
eluding me at the moment :)


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