On Wed, 3 Dec 2003, [iso-8859-1] Patricio Muņoz wrote:

> Alias /asp/ "D:/Apache/Apache2/asp/"
> <Perl>
>          *CORE::GLOBAL::flock = sub { 1 };
> </Perl>
> PerlModule Apache::ASP
> <Directory "D:/Apache/Apache2/asp">
>          Options Indexes MultiViews
>          AllowOverride None
>          Order allow,deny
>          Allow from all
>     <Files ~ (\.asp)>
>               SetHandler  perl-script
>               PerlResponseHandler Apache::ASP
>               PerlOptions +ParseHeaders
>               PerlSetVar  Global .
>               PerlSetVar  StateDir "D:/Apache/Apache2/asp/tmp"
>     </Files>
> </Directory>
[ .. ]
> The script work fine, but output browser is:
> -------------------------------------------
> Hola Mundo
>  OK
> The server encountered an internal error or
> misconfiguration and was unable to complete your request.
> -------------------------------------------

Coincidentally, this was discussed about a week ago - the
problem arises because Apache::ASP returns an explicit
status of "200". Try the following - in
insert near the top
   use Apache::Const -compile => ':common';
Then, around line 255, there is a subroutine called handler,
with a line in it that says
  my $status = 200;
Change this to
  my $status = Apache::OK;
There may be other places that return explicit numerical
codes that also may need changing, but this should fix
the above problem for pages that return OK.

best regards,
randy kobes

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