> On Wed, 3 Dec 2003, [iso-8859-1] Patricio Muņoz wrote:
> > Alias /asp/ "D:/Apache/Apache2/asp/"
> > <Perl>
> >          *CORE::GLOBAL::flock = sub { 1 };
> > </Perl>
> > PerlModule Apache::ASP
> > <Directory "D:/Apache/Apache2/asp">
> >          Options Indexes MultiViews
> >          AllowOverride None
> >          Order allow,deny
> >          Allow from all
> >     <Files ~ (\.asp)>
> >               SetHandler  perl-script
> >               PerlResponseHandler Apache::ASP
> >               PerlOptions +ParseHeaders
> >               PerlSetVar  Global .
> >               PerlSetVar  StateDir "D:/Apache/Apache2/asp/tmp"
> >     </Files>
> > </Directory>
> [ .. ]
> > The script work fine, but output browser is:
> > -------------------------------------------
> > Hola Mundo
> >
> >  OK
> > The server encountered an internal error or
> > misconfiguration and was unable to complete your request.
> > -------------------------------------------
> Coincidentally, this was discussed about a week ago - the
> problem arises because Apache::ASP returns an explicit
> status of "200". Try the following - in
>    D:\Path\to\your\Perl\site\lib\Apache\ASP.pm
> insert near the top
>    use Apache::Const -compile => ':common';
> Then, around line 255, there is a subroutine called handler,
> with a line in it that says
>   my $status = 200;
> Change this to
>   my $status = Apache::OK;
> There may be other places that return explicit numerical
> codes that also may need changing, but this should fix
> the above problem for pages that return OK.

Thank's, change the options, now work fine :-)

> -- 
> best regards,
> randy kobes

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