I have the script

 $mypath = "D:\Apache\Apache2\asp\aplicacion\videos";
 $fso = $Server->CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject");
 $fls = $fso->GetFolder($Server->MapPath($mypath));


when execute in the browser, appear the next error:

[Thu Dec 04 13:14:40 2003] [error] [asp] [-987443] [error] Can't locate
object method "lookup_uri" via package "Apache::RequestRec" at
D:/Perl/site/lib/Apache/ASP/Server.pm line 113. <--> ,
D:/Perl/site/lib/Apache/ASP.pm line 1516

where found documentation for
$Server->CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject"); ?
in http://www.apache-asp.org I can't found example or detail information

any idea ?


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