Hi All

I am coding a web application using lots of Perl modules including
Class::DBI, Text::MagicTemplate, CGI::Session and CGI::Application via
ActivePerl v5.8.1.807.  My code has to run on both Win2K and WinXP together
with Apache v2.0.48 and mysql.  All my responses are generated via
Text::MagicTemplate rather than CGI functions.  However response times are
becoming too long, so I would like to use mod_perl to improve them.  I have
no prior experience with mod_perl or a C compiler.

I have been reading some of the online documentation, but I am still not
sure about what is available or is possible.


Should I use mod_perl v1 or v2?

I was thinking of using Apache::Request to process form data,
Apache::Cookie, Apache::DBI for persistent db connections and something for
user authorization.  I understand libapreq contains the first two modules.

Is this available for mod_perl2?

BTW I put all the perl modules that my application uses (except my own) in a
startup.pl file and added a PerlRequire directive to httpd.conf.  This
increased instances of Apache.exe from about 4 - 8 MB to about 23 - 26 MB!

Is this normal?

Many thanks for your time

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