On Tue, 16 Dec 2003, Thomas Klausner wrote:

> Hi!
> On Tue, Dec 16, 2003 at 12:36:43PM -0800, Maurice Height wrote:
> > I am coding a web application using lots of Perl modules
> > including Class::DBI, Text::MagicTemplate, CGI::Session
> > and CGI::Application via ActivePerl v5.8.1.807.  My code
> > has to run on both Win2K and WinXP together .. Should I
> > use mod_perl v1 or v2?
> As you are using Windows, mod_perl 1.x isn't really an
> option, as Windows doesn't support forking (at least
> that's my understanding, I never tried running Apache on
> Win)
> So you should go with mod_perl 2.x

I'd second that ... The Win32 section of the mod_perl 1 docs
at http://perl.apache.org/ have a more detailed discussion
on what the limitations of mod_perl 1 on Win32 are. So
although mod_perl 2 isn't as mature as mod_perl 1, for many
people the benefits of mod_perl 2 (and Apache 2) on Win32
outweigh this disadvantage.

Note that, on Win32, mod_perl 2 requires perl-5.8.0 or
greater (ie, an ActivePerl build in the 8xx series).

> > I was thinking of using Apache::Request to process form
> > data, Apache::Cookie, Apache::DBI for persistent db
> > connections and something for user authorization.  I
> > understand libapreq contains the first two modules.
> >
> > Is this available for mod_perl2?
> Sort of, but somebody with mod_perl 2 experience should be
> able to tell you more on this issue.

There's a development release of libapreq2 available for use
with Apache/2 - see http://httpd.apache.org/apreq/. For
Win32 there's an associated ppm package at
http://theoryx5.uwinnipeg.ca/ppms/libapreq2.ppd. However, be
aware that this is a developer's release, and isn't yet
intended for production work.

best regards,
randy kobes

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