> no, no, you have confused something. You need a new version of
> Apache::Request
> which is still in beta. Please take a look at:
> http://httpd.apache.org/apreq/
> Also please notice that it has its own mailing list if you have any
> questions.

Thanks for your help. I've installed it, and Apache seems to load it in OK
as a module. However my code still complains:

Can't locate object method "fh" via package "Apache::Upload"

I'm still not completely au fait with mod_perl, so please forgive my
ignorance, but I cannot find source or documentation for Apache::Upload. I
presume it's some sort of sub class of Apache::Request, which I believe
libapreq2-2.02 installs (I used the Makefile.PL way of configuring).


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