mock wrote:

stupid when I try to attach something like Mail::Audit to it.
Apache::Net::Server::Mail::SMTP::Mail::Audit::PGP or something of the like is
just aesthetically sucky. So, suggestions please?

That's exactly where the problem is with your name choice. If you plan to add things which are aren't Net::SMTP, then the name is wrong. As I suggested it looks more like an application than a framework or protocol API. It just happens to work only Apache. Therefore Apache::SMTP is inappropriate. Usually when you write an application you give it some name, not after the protocol but something else, usually unique and cool of possible. e.g. Apache::MockMail. And several people have suggested to put new Apache App modules into the Apache::App:: namespace, but it's up to you to decide.

You raise a good point. The App space seems like it would be more appropriate. MockMail, seems a bit pretensious ;), however I think your
correct, SMTP is perhaps not right. How about Apache::App::SMTP? Can
everyone else live with that? Alternatively, Apache::App::SMTPd.

-0 for Apache::App::SMTP (still conflicting IMHO) +1 for Apache::App::SMTPd (or anything else ;)

Of course if you can come up with your own cool name then you can take over the 2nd namespace. The added value is that people will most likely remember Apache::HippoCart and not Apache::App::SMTPd.

Stas Bekman            JAm_pH ------> Just Another mod_perl Hacker     mod_perl Guide --->

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