Jean-Michel Hiver wrote:
> Hi List,
> I am trying to get a rather large-ish web app to run with apache 2 /
> mod_perl 1.99. I have installed the latest RPMs for Fedora from FreshRPMs.
>  PerlModule  Apache2
>  PerlModule  Apache::compat
>  PerlOptions +GlobalRequest
>  PerlOptions +SetupEnv
> I have a very strange behavior with PerlInitHandlers.
> When there is no PerlInitHandler, the ENV variable PATH_INFO is around
> as usual.
> However, when there is a PerlInitHandler, then the PATH_INFO vanishes
> and is replaced by SCRIPT_NAME!
> Any ideas of what might be going on?


I would consider it a bug, but mod_perl (through the current release)
populated %ENV when the first Perl*Handler runs, which may have been before
or after translation (which is where path_info becomes known).  if you
specifically move that PerlInitHandler to a PerlHeaderParserHandler I'd
suspect at PATH_INFO would magically appear.

this behavior has been changed in CVS, so in 1.99_13 everything ought to
work as expected.  However, in 1.99_13 %ENV is only set up right before the
PerlResponseHandler, so CGI variables like PATH_INFO and REMOTE_USER will
not be present in Perl*Handlers at all - you'll need to use the API to get
to them.



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