Is this the mod_perl version we should be using with Apache 2 then?  Assuming all tests go well?  What is fate of mp2 at this time?   Is it near production level yet?

>>> "Stas Bekman" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 03/05/04 07:46PM >>>
A release candidate for mod_perl-1.99_13 is available:

Please test and report any failures to this list.

If everything goes well, 1.99_13 will be released on Tuesday, so those who do
mod_perl at work can test on Monday and those at home over the weekend.

Changes since 1.99_12:

respect $ENV{APACHE_TEST_STARTUP_TIMEOUT} settings if any [Stas]

Added tests for issuing subrequests from filters [Geoffrey Young]

Updated to the new Apache License Version 2.0 [Gozer]

Drop the support for making GATEWAY_INTERFACE special. It's not needed
as $ENV{MOD_PERL}, available in both mod_perl generations, should be
used to test whether the code is running under mod_perl. [Stas]

Handle correctly the situation when response HTTP headers are printed
from the handler and the response body starts with \000, which is the
case with some images like .ico. [Stas]

Apache::PerlSections->dump() and store(filename) [Gozer]

expose $c->keepalive related constants and $c->keepalives counter

Perl handlers are now guaranteed to run before core C handlers for
all request phases.  [Geoffrey Young]

Fix the STDIN/OUT overriding process to handle gracefully cases, when
either or both are closed/bogus (the problem was only with useperlio
enabled perl) [Stas]

copy apr_table_compress logic from later httpd versions in case mod_perl
is built against 2.0.46, as mod_perl now requires it internally.  users
should be aware that 2.0.47 may become the oldest supported httpd version
in the near future.  [Geoffrey Young]

Fix the corruption of the httpd process argv[0], caused by $0
manipulating [Stas]

ModPerl::MethodLookup::lookup_method now handles sub-classed objects

standard %ENV population with CGI variables and contents of the
subprocess_env table (such as SetEnv and PassEnv) has been delayed
until the last possible moment before content-generation runs.
PerlSetEnv and PerlPassEnv are each an exception to this and are
placed in both %ENV and the subprocess_env table immediately,
regardless of the current [+-]SetupEnv setting.
[Geoffrey Young]

fix PerlAddVar configuration merging [Geoffrey Young]

Anonymous subs are now supported in push_handlers, set_handlers,
add_input_filter, etc. A fast cached cv is used with non-ithreaded
perl. A slower deparse/eval approach (via B::Deparse) is used with
ithreads enabled perls. Further optimizations are planned for the
latter case. [Stas]

ht_time w/o the pool is now available only via override/restore compat
API. format_time, has been renamed back to ht_time, and the default
values for fmt, time and gmt are now supported. [Stas]

it's now possible to push new handlers into the same phase that is
running at the moment [Stas].

when $r->handler($new_handler) is called from a response phase, it now
checks that the response handler type is not switched (e.g. from
'modperl' to 'perl-script') from the currently used one [Stas]

Since Apache::SubProcess is now part of the mp2 API, add
$r->cleanup_for_exec as a noop in Apache::compat. That function is no
longer needed in Apache2. [Stas]

When 'perl Makefile.PL PREFIX=/foo/bar' is used and mod_perl 1 is
found, but at different prefix no longer require

modperl_mgv_resolve now croaks when a module scheduled for autoloading
fails to load.  AutoLoaded modules shouldn't silently fail. [Stas]

Perl(Input|Output)FilterHandler handlers are now always AutoLoaded, as
if '+' prefix was used. This must be performed to get the access to
filter attributes long before the filter itself is executed. [Stas]

APR/Pool.xs has been reimplemented.  The problem with the previous
implementation is that a dead perl pool object could hijack a newly
created pool, which didn't belong to that object, but which happened
to be allocated at the same memory location. The problem is that
apr_pool_user_data_set/get has no mechanism to check whether the pool
has changed since it was last assigned to (it does but only in the
debug mode). It really needs some signature mechanism which can be
verified that the pool is still the same pool. Since apr_pool doesn't
have this feature, the reference counting has been reimplemented using
a plain sv reference. Several new (mainly hijacking) tests which badly
fail with the previous impelementation have been added. [Stas]

fix calling $r->subprocess_env() in a void context so that it only
populates %ENV if also called with no arguments.  also, make sure it
can be called more than once and still populate %ENV.
[Geoffrey Young]

add APR::Brigade::pool() to allow access to the pool associated with
the brigade  [Geoffrey Young]

make 't/TEST -startup_timeout secs' working (previously user's value
was ignored) [Stas]

ModPerl::Registry and friends now support non-parsed headers scripts,
whose filename =~ /^nph-/, identically to mod_cgi. + test [Stas]

implement APR::Brigade::length() and APR::Brigade::flatten() (the
latter implements a wrapper for apr_brigade_flatten, but also includes
an emulation of apr_brigade_pflatten) as [Geoffrey Young]

($r|$s)->add_config() now die if failed (previously returned the
error) [Stas]

fix context problems in <perl> sections and
PerlModule/PerlLoadModule/PerlRequre under threaded mpms w/
PerlOptions +Parent/+Clone in Vhosts + TestVhost::config test. [Stas]

Implemented Apache::get_server_version and Apache::get_server_built
as constant subroutines [Geoffrey Young]

Moved some functions out of the Apache:: namespace:
   Apache::unescape_url()       is now Apache::URI::unescape_url()
   Apache::log_pid()            is now Apache::Log::log_pid()
   Apache::LOG_MARK()           is now Apache::Log::LOG_MARK()
[Geoffrey Young]

if MP_AP_PREFIX is used apxs and apr-config from the apache build tree
won't work, so it can't co-exist with MP_APXS and MP_APR_CONFIG build
options - ensure that this doesn't happen. [Stas]

server_root_relative() now requires either a valid pool or an $r, $s,
or $c object as a first argument.  also, the returned result is a
copy, protecting against cases where the pool would go out of scope
before the result.  [Geoffrey Young]

Check the success of sysopen in tmpfile() in compat [Geoffrey Young]

make sure DynaLoader is loaded before XSLoader, not only with perl
5.6.1, but always because of the issues with <Perl> sections are
loaded from +Parent vhost [Stas]

added ($r|$s)->is_perl_option_enabled($option_name), to test for
PerlOptions + tests [Stas]

On Solaris add a workaround for xs/APR/APR/Makefile.PL to build, correctly linked against apr and apr-util libs, by addding the
missing -R paths corresponding to -L flags. EU::MM was adding them via
LD_RUN_PATH instead of using -R, but since perl's lddflags may have -R
it overrides LD_RUN_PATH. So explicitly add anything that may go into
LD_RUN_PATH via -R. Also make sure that -R coming from Apache will
appear first. [Brad Lanam <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>]

'make dist' now generates and picks Apache-Test/META.yml which was
always reported missing, as it was included in Apache-Test/MANIFEST

fix the $r->read function to return undef on failure similar to the
core perl function and make $! available for those who test for read()
failures. [Stas]

Make sure that pnotes are destroyed after PerlCleanup handlers are
finished and not before + test. [Stas]

Stas Bekman            JAm_pH ------> Just Another mod_perl Hacker     mod_perl Guide --->

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