Perrin Harkins wrote:

On Mon, 2004-03-15 at 16:23, Jean-Michel Hiver wrote:

Yes, what I'm trying to achieve is get Apache::Registry to send custom 404 pages - just like under mod_cgi.

I assume that means you want to be able to run the exact same script under mod_cgi?

Well, yes - otherwise i'd be using straight mod_perl handlers.

And you don't want to make this script be your

I don't understand this part. Basically the script uses PATH_INFO to simulate a file structure.

For example, if you request '/foo/' it is really cgi-bin/script.cgi/foo/.

Now /foo/ might be an existing document, in which case I need to return a 200 OK.

But it might not exist, in which case I need to send a 404 and a custom error page.

If you're curious about why I'm trying to do this, it's on CPAN so you can take a look for yourself:

sudo perl -MCPAN -e 'install MKDoc::Core'

Installing a sample site is not too hard:

At the moment I'm using the horrible 'empty ErrorDocument' hack... but it's a hack :(

Basically, you need to turn off PerlSendHeader and
manage the headers yourself. One thing you could do is use the header()
function in This produces the same results under mod_cgi.

So basically turning off PerlSendHeader and using Interesting. I'll give it a shot.

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