>>>> i tested MP 1.99_13 with Perl 5.8.3 and got the same result - none
>>>> of the tests succeeded / no access to httpd (still empty
>>>> t/logs/access_log).
>>> OK, let's try the debug-by-proxy technique ;)
>>> once you have build mod_perl 1.99_13 and ready to run 'make test' please
>>> run:
>>>   killall httpd
>>>   t/TEST -start
> [...]
>> waiting 120 seconds for server to start: ok (waited 2 secs)
>> server localhost:8529 started
> [...]
>> server localhost:8549 listening (TestDirective::perlloadmodule6)
>> [warning] root mode: restoring the original files ownership
> most likely unrelated, but i need to check this one - it shouldn't
> restore the ownership that early.
>> [warning] setting ulimit to allow core files
>> ulimit -c unlimited; /usr/bin/perl
>> /tmp/install/apache/mod_perl-1.99_13/t/TEST -ping
>> [warning] server localhost:8529 running (pid=4258, version=Apache/2.0.48)
> Right, the ping doesn't really ping, just checks whether the process is
> alive and kicking.
>>> now run:
>>>  t/STOP
>> did you mean t/TEST -stop ? (because i found no "STOP")
> yes, sorry.
>>> now run:
>>>   APACHE_TEST_DEBUG_LWP=1 t/TEST -v t/modules/cgi.t
>> # lwp request:
>> # GET http://localhost:8529/index.html HTTP/1.0
>> # User-Agent: libwww-perl/5.76
>> # 
>> # server response:
>> # 500 (Internal Server Error) Can't connect to localhost:8529 (connect:
>> Connection refused)
>> # Content-Length: 66
>> # Content-Type: text/plain
>> # Client-Date: Thu, 25 Mar 2004 09:03:48 GMT
>> # Client-Warning: Internal response
>> # X-Content-Length-Note: added by Apache::TestRequest
> So we know that you run as root and that Apache refuses connections.
> Actually it seems like your system refuses them, since you get nothing
> logged in access_log, is that right? It seems that LWP comes up with its
> own 500, and it doesn't really come from the server.
>> I dont't know if this helps: 
>> When i start the httpd manually by
>> "/usr/local/apache2/bin/httpd -f
>> /tmp/install/apache/mod_perl-1.99_13/t/conf/httpd.conf"
>> and test, whether i can connect to one of the listen-ports (e.g. "netcat
>> localhost 8529 -vv") => conection refused
>> I replaced all "localhost:<port>" directives in http.conf  by
>><port> =>
>> at least i get a connection to the ports now.
> You mean it does work ('make test' passes) if you s/localhost/

yes - but not 'make test', rather t/TEST where i do s/localhost/
in t/conf/apache_test_config.pm.

Except two tests (but this is perhaps another problem):
Failed Test               Stat Wstat Total Fail  Failed  List of Failed
t/apache/conftree.t                      8    1  12.50%  4
t/modules/apache_status.t               11    1   9.09%  1
> Do you have the entry:
>     localhost
> in your /etc/hosts? If not please add one and try again.

the entry is (and was allways) there.

> If it still doesn't work, do you have any different results if you
> unpack/build/test under your own user and not root?

no - same result under a non-root user.



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