Hi again,

just for "completeness":

MP 1.99_13/Perl 5.9.1/Apache 2.48/Linux 2.4.22 - 

"make test" gave "All tests successful"

(without "::1             localhost ipv6-localhost ipv6-loopback" in


>>>>>> and test, whether i can connect to one of the listen-ports (e.g.
>>>>>> "netcat localhost 8529 -vv") => conection refused
>>> so:
>>>   netcat localhost 8529 -vv
>>> doesn't work. but:
>>>   netcat 8529 -vv
>>> right?
>> no - i don not think it is a problem of my computers name resolution of
>> the hosts entry "localhost" because "ping localhost" etc. works.
>> Also "netcat -l localhost -p 8529" together with "netcat localhost 8529"
>> are working perfect.
>> "/etc/hosts.conf" has "order hosts, bind" which means, as far as i
>> understand it,
>> first ask the /etc/hosts file and then the specified name servers, but
>> this is
>> - i guess - what most standard linux systems have.
>> But i think i found it:
>> In my /etc/hosts i have more than one entry for the address
>> I am using this for testing my virtual hosts on the local machine. 
>> When i delete/uncomment all other entries but the one
>> " localhost" "make test" works. 
>> No - more testing:
>> At least only the IP V6 entry 
>> ::1             localhost ipv6-localhost ipv6-loopback
>> which is a default entry in my SuSE 9.0 system, was it.
>> After uncommenting it, the test works (as far as the httpd is accessed). 
>> Hope this helps.
> Yeah, this recent flurry of distros adding ::1 to ipv4 systems is the
> constant cause of breakage of Apache::Test :(
> Glad to see that you've found the problem. I guess I need to start adding
> these odd configurations to my system so I can reproduce the problem and
> figure out how to deal with it programmatically. Unless someone with ipv6
> experience (which I don't have) wants to help to figure that out.
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