On Thu, 2004-07-22 at 10:40, Simon Miner wrote:
> I ended up modifying our code so that it skips the regex I sent in my
> previous message on most requests.  This circumvents the biggest part of our
> slow down, but it isn't completely solving the problem.  We're still seeing
> code sluggishness on certain pages of our web app.  The strange thing is
> that, in most cases, the same code runs as quickly as it did before our
> upgrade.  It's just on a few pages of the web app that it slows down.
> We tried building Perl using Perl's malloc.

Why?  Was it going into swap?

> Devel::DProf and dprofpp were showing that some calls to CGI.pm were taking
> a good deal of time, so we're working on replacing them.  This is not
> producing much of a speedup, however.

Ironically, CGI.pm slows down CGI programs a lot (all of that code to
compile), but doesn't hurt mod_perl programs much.

> We are also working to install the GTop module in our development
> environment.

Why?  Are you trying to get memory stats?  You can probably just read
from /proc, like Apache::SizeLimit does.

> We found most of these approaches by looking in Practical mod_perl and the
> mod_perl Developer's Cookbook.  Are there any other suggestions that folks
> on the mailing list can offer us as we continue to troubleshoot this issue?

First, find out if you are running out of memory and going into swap. 
If you are, fix that with the techniques shown in the books.  Next,
figure out if there is something different about a slow request.  You
may need to install some extra logging so that you can tell which
requests were slow and reproduce them later.  If you can find a specific
request that is always fast and another that is always slow, this should
lead you to the source of the problem.  You may have to debug in -X mode
to solve this, since it could involve something about a request that
leaves the server in a bad state for the next request.

- Perrin

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