The xs/APR/aprext/ stuff is only needed on certain platforms
(Win32, perhaps AIX) for which the way the APR::* modules
are built by default doesn't work (this is related to having
APR::* usable outside a mod_perl environment). I'm not sure
why it's trying to build something here - on linux, for
example, it just goes into that directory, sees there's
nothing to do, and then moves on. That'll have to be fixed;
in the meantime, in the Makefile.PL of xs/APR/aprext/
there's a couple of lines:
  my @skip = qw(dynamic test};
  push @skip, q{static} unless Apache::Build::WIN32;
Could you try commenting these out to see if that helps?

commented out the above lines and line # 27 as well:

#            SKIP          =>  [ @skip ] ,

as well, now modperl build OK, but tests give the errors below.

snapshots used:
apr-iconv_20040729101255.tar.gz httpd-2.0_20040729101922.tar.gz
apr-util_20040729101259.tar.gz modperl-2.0_20040729042917.tar.gz

Failed Test Stat Wstat Total Fail Failed List of Failed
t/api/custom_response.t 4 1 25.00% 4
t/apr-ext/base64.t 255 65280 ?? ?? % ??
t/apr-ext/bucket.t 255 65280 ?? ?? % ??
t/apr-ext/date.t 255 65280 ?? ?? % ??
t/apr-ext/finfo.t 255 65280 ?? ?? % ??
t/apr-ext/perlio.t 255 65280 ?? ?? % ??
t/apr-ext/pool.t 255 65280 ?? ?? % ??
t/apr-ext/string.t 255 65280 ?? ?? % ??
t/apr-ext/table.t 255 65280 ?? ?? % ??
t/apr-ext/threadmutex.t 255 65280 ?? ?? % ??
t/apr-ext/uri.t 255 65280 ?? ?? % ??
t/apr-ext/util.t 255 65280 ?? ?? % ??
t/apr-ext/uuid.t 255 65280 ?? ?? % ??
t/apr/constants.t 255 65280 ?? ?? % ??
t/filter/both_str_con_add.t 4 3 75.00% 2-4
t/protocol/echo_block.t 3 2 66.67% 2-3
t/protocol/echo_filter.t 3 2 66.67% 2-3
t/protocol/pseudo_http.t 13 9 69.23% 3-8 11-13
16 tests skipped.
Failed 18/202 test scripts, 91.09% okay. 17/1167 subtests failed, 98.54% okay.

Obviously apr-ext tests have the same problem, and I suppose Randy is looking into it.

But for the rest of the tests please read:

Stas Bekman            JAm_pH ------> Just Another mod_perl Hacker
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