> > [Fri Aug 06 15:41:40 2004] [error] APR::Socket::recv: (35) Resource 
> > temporarily unavailable at 
> > 
> > line 34
> > Out of memory!
> > Callback called exit.
> > Callback called exit.
> Hmm, out of memory? Do you have issues with RAM? Are you heavily 
k714% top

load averages:  0.21,  0.20,  0.17 09:11:19
30 processes:  29 sleeping, 1 on processor
CPU states:  0.0% user,  0.0% nice,  0.0% system,  0.0% interrupt,  100% 
Memory: 27M Act, 4K Inact, 1760K Wired, 7480K Exec, 13M File, 412M Free
Swap: 500M Total, 500M Free

k714% sudo /sbin/swapctl -l

Device      512-blocks     Used    Avail Capacity  Priority
/dev/wd0b      1024128        0  1024128     0%    0


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