On Tue, 2004-09-21 at 12:24, Steve Hay wrote:
> The only way that I've got this working so far is to simulate what 
> Apache::StatINC would do if the module was changed between every 
> request:  I've deleted the loading of the module from server startup, 
> and now have this in my script:
>     use Win32::Shortcut;
>     delete $INC{'Win32/Shortcut.pm'};
>     require 'Win32/Shortcut.pm';
>     ...
> The use() line there gets an END block installed to be run at the end of 
> every script run, while the delete()/require() calls force the bootstrap 
> code to be re-run at the start of every script run.
> This seems to work (so far!), but is there a more elegant way of doing this?

One thing you could do is change your script to a mod_perl handler. 
Then the END blocks will not get run until the server shuts down.

- Perrin

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