Hello Nick,

> If you want mod_perl for Apache2 in Debian, I'd suggest you use a
> packaged
> version; it's a lot easier.

My problem is, that i CANT get the debian package because i compiled &
installed apache manualy. Few weeks ago i tryed to override some debian
dependency packages, and the result was that my system was a wreck. So i m
kind of affraid to do it again,
i think i will follow Stas advices and first give a try to the GCC linker,
which appear to be dead.

> mod_perl for apache2 in Debian is in the package libapache2-mod-perl2,
> which is in testing and unstable distributions.

To install libapache2-mod-perl2, debian tells me to install apache-common,
apache, and so on...

> If you really need to use woody for some reason, I'd suggest that you
> grab the sources for the testing version of the package, and work from
> there. That way, you will have a list of the other packages you need in
> order to build it, and any debian-specific workarounds or similar will
> be in-place. You will also get the benefit that at the end of it all,
> you'll end up with a package that can easily be installed onto multiple
> servers.

The point is i don't have any choice but woody, cause my CD burner is dead,
and Woody is the only distrib that can suit for a server i have on CD (i
also have mandrake 9.2 but now i prefer debian :) )

> You may find that you end up needing a whole chain of backports of more
> recent versions of things in order to make it work. In that case, I'd
> consider using the testing distribution. You won't (yet) get security
> updates reliably, but that is being worked on, as testing is going to
> become stable fairly soon. And there are a whole lot of other goodies
> in testing that aren't in stable -- perl 5.8 and lots more perl modules
> that weren't previously packaged, for example. And gcc 3.3...

That is right, i didnt thought about that. My GCC is 2.95.4, do you think it
can be why the linker appears as broken?

Thank you for help!


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