> 5: Line 30 will return IS_MOD_PERL_2 as true

that should only happen if mod_perl.pm is Apache2/mod_perl.pm.  (or if you
installed mp2 as the only mod_perl on the box...)

> 6: Line 34 will require Apache::Build
> 7: It must fail because /perl/site/lib/Apache2 is not in @INC
> and /perl/site/lib/Apache2/Apache/Build.pm is what is being required.

which should be fine, since Apache2.pm has been loaded, otherwise it
wouldn't have found Apache2/mod_perl.pm... in theory :)

so... if the mod_perl.pm in your standard site_lib is mp2 but everything
else is under Apache2/ then yeah, it won't work.  but that just shouldn't
happen unless we're doing something wrong with the mp2 install or you
previously installed mod_perl 2.0 _not_ relative to Apache2 (such as
MP_INST_APACHE2=0) and things got genuinely borked...

but let's not get into the Apache2 thing again here, please.  if there is a
real problem with the win32 install process then we should fix it.  if it's
something that is being caused by the Apache2 thing that could have been
solved by installing mp1 in one perl tree and mp2 in another perl tree, then
it's a userspace issue (for the moment).  otherwise it's just part of the
other discussion that we are still trying to solve, in which case thanks so
much for the detail - we'll be sure to add that to our list of cases that
should have an obvious resolutionn.


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