On Sat, 8 Jan 2005, Ron Savage wrote:

> On Fri, 7 Jan 2005 17:07:01 -0600 (CST), Randy Kobes wrote:
> Hi Randy, Geoff
> > Thanks for tracking that down .... I think I see what the problem
> > is (and I've been bitten by that before) - line 30 of
> > Apache::TestConfig is erroneously setting MOD_PERL_2 as true
> > because (I suspect) you have a stray mod_perl.pm under
> > C:\Perl\site\lib\ from an earlier install (on Win32, there was a
> > bug in older mp2 installs that not all the files were correctly put
> > under Apache2/ - the proper place for mod_perl.pm should be under
> > C:\Perl\site\lib\Apache2\).
> I had 2 copies of mod_perl.pm, in the places you've
> specified. I removed the one in /perl/site/lib.
> But now, during nmake test I answer 2 questions, and then get:
> [warning] running with new config opts:
> C:\Perl\bin\perl.exe
> C:\Perl-modules\Apache-Test-1.19\t\TEST
>  -bugreport -verbose=0 -httpd C:\Apache2\bin\Apache.EXE
> -apxs C:\Apache2\bin\apxs.BAT
> C:\Perl-modules\Apache-Test-1.19>
> APXS (C:\Apache2\bin\apxs.BAT) query for SBINDIR failed
> APXS (C:\Apache2\bin\apxs.BAT) query for TARGET failed
> APXS (C:\Apache2\bin\apxs.BAT) query for SYSCONFDIR failed
> APXS (C:\Apache2\bin\apxs.BAT) query for PREFIX failed
[ ... ]
> (and again, for each test, until finally)
> All tests successful.
> Files=5, Tests=21, 18 wallclock secs ( 0.00 cusr +  0.00 csys =  0.00 CPU)
> [warning] server ron:8529 shutdown
> [Here I have to hit enter to get the prompt back]
> C:\Perl-modules\Apache-Test-1.19>
> I can't imagine this to be what's meant to happen.

No, it definitely should not be like that ... There was a
problem like this on Win32 (related to apxs needing the PATH
environment variable set), but that I believe has been fixed
with the current Apache-Test. To try to track this down,
what happens when you do
   C:\> C:\Apache2\bin\apxs.bat -q PREFIX
   C:\> C:\Apache2\bin\apxs.bat -q SBINDIR
   C:\> C:\Apache2\bin\apxs.bat -q SYSCONFDIR
   C:\> C:\Apache2\bin\apxs.bat -q LIBEXECDIR
   C:\> C:\Apache2\bin\apxs.bat -q TARGET
Also, what flavour of Windows are you using? And
are you using cmd.exe?

> Just to recap, this is an Apache-Perl (V 5.8.4) prepared
> by you (Randy), with no additional Apache modules
> installed by me, so when you say 'an older mp2 install' it
> isn't that old! Are you sure this has been fixed?

Sorry, I should have been clearer ... The Apache/Perl Win32
binary that you're using had an old mod_perl installed (by
me) that suffered from a bug that didn't place mod_perl.pm
under C:\Perl\site\lib\Apache2\. This was fixed, and I used
that mod_perl in the binary you're using. However, I didn't
notice that the stray mod_perl.pm under C:\Perl\site\lib\
was still present. This problem (with the binary) has been
fixed in the one using Perl-5.8.6/Apache-2.0.52 that I
just put out a week or so ago. Sorry for the confusion.

best regards,

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