On Feb 8, 2005, at 4:01 PM, Boysenberry Payne wrote:

Since I can’t seem to figure out how to install apache_1.3.33 on mac ox x from source, I’m going to try and fix my issues with my currently installed version (comes with os x.)
The problem I’m having is with mod_perl and mysql. I used fink to install mysql at one point and it confused mod_perl as to which mysql database to use. When I use mod_perl as a mod_cgi script it gets the right database, when I use perl scripts using mod_perl it gives me the following error:

dyld: /usr/sbin/httpd can't open library: /sw/lib/mysql/libmysqlclient.14.dylib (No such file or directory, errno = 2)
[Tue Feb 8 14:43:05 2005] [notice] child pid 436 exit signal Trace/BPT trap (5)

What I think I need to do is get mod_perl to look for the right library file for my currently working mysql database.

I use Marc Liyanage's package for MySQL on my PowerBook.


Your errors look like you're mixing versions of perl, as if the one you're compiling mod_perl with is getting confused between the system perl and the fink perl.

I compiled my own perl from source and put it in /opt. My ls -l /opt looks like this:

lrwxr-xr-x   1 root   admin    11  3 Apr  2004 perl -> perl-5.8.3/
drwxr-xr-x   5 root   admin   170  3 Apr  2004 perl-5.8.3

I then put /opt/perl/bin in my path via .bash_profile. That way when I use sudo it sees that perl too.

I also installed Apache and mod_perl from source. I'm using DSO for mod_perl. My script to build Apache (with ssl):



export SSL_BASE=/opt/ssl


cd $BUILD_DIR/apache_1.3.*

cd $BUILD_DIR/mm-1.*
export EAPI_MM=`pwd`

./configure --disable-shared && make

cd $BUILD_DIR/mod_ssl-2.*

./configure --with-apache=$APACHE_DIR


./configure \
 --prefix=$INSTALL_ROOT \
 --with-layout="Apache" \
 --disable-module=usertrack \
 --enable-module=so \
 --enable-module=proxy \
 --enable-module=rewrite \
 --disable-module=userdir \
 --enable-module=cgi \
 --disable-rule=expat \
 --disable-module=imap \
 --disable-module=include \
 --enable-module=autoindex \
 --enable-module=auth \
 --enable-module=ssl \
 --enable-shared=ssl \

make && sudo make install


My mod_perl so build script:



cd $BUILD_DIR/mod_perl-1.2*

perl Makefile.PL \
    USE_APXS=1 \

make && make test && sudo make install

-- Barry Hoggard Tristan Media LLC w: www.tristanmedia.com yahoo/aim: hoggardb

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