ben syverson wrote:

On Feb 15, 2005, at 12:02 PM, Jonathan Vanasco wrote:

preemptive defense of potential SQL injection attacks

Check out mod_security <> -- it has this built-in. (There's an intro here: <>, and the main guy is writing a book called "Apache Security" for O'Reilly, <> which should be interesting.

'human only' readable gifs on forms to preemtively defent against bots without using some crazed throttling scheme

There may be a pre-made module out there, but your best bet is to use ImageMagick or gd to generate your own from perl. The more unique your images are, the better...

Although, you may want throttling implemented somewhere in your setup to prevent basic DoS attacks... Check out <>.

- ben

FWIW, the technique of generating 'human only' images is called *[captcha* (an acronym for "/*c*/ompletely /*a*/utomated /*p*/ublic /*T*/uring test <> to tell /*c*/omputers and /*h*/umans /*a*/part")]

Search CPAN for captcha. There are a few modules that already do this sort of thing.


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