>>SetHandler is forcing the handler to be mod_perl, but really mod_dir needs
>>to step in and handle the / -> DirectoryIndex conversion. so... what I would
>>do is alter that fixup handler to do something like this
>>  if ($r->handler('perl-script') && -d $r->filename && $r->is_initial_req) {
>>    $r->hander(Apache2::Const::DIR_MAGIC_TYPE);
>>  }
>>or somesuch.  basically, what you want to happen is for mod_dir to apply the
>>directory index and issue it's normal internal_direct to mod_perl.  un-doing
>>mod_mime's SetHandler for just the main request ought to do that.

that code is essentially right.  well, except that the above example sets
$r->handler instead of comparing it.  adding the code at the bottom of this
mail essentially makes your tests pass, except that I think your last test
is wrong - your DirectoryIndex puts the index script ahead of everything
else, so the results should match "Hello" and not "welcome".

> I tried adding the above code to Apache::Dir 

Apache::Dir was just an example.  the below code used as the only fixup
handler should do the trick.



package My::Fixup;

use strict;
use warnings FATAL => qw(all);

use Apache2::Const -compile => qw(DIR_MAGIC_TYPE OK DECLINED);
use Apache2::RequestRec;

sub handler {

  my $r = shift;

  if ($r->handler eq 'perl-script' &&
      -d $r->filename              &&

    return Apache2::Const::OK;

  return Apache2::Const::DECLINED;


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