Philippe M. Chiasson wrote:
Philippe M. Chiasson wrote:
> Stas Bekman wrote:
>>Christian Hansen wrote:
>>>Program received signal EXC_BAD_ACCESS, Could not access memory.
>>>0x014563fc in S_mess_alloc ()
>>>(gdb) bt
>>>#0  0x014563fc in S_mess_alloc ()
>>>#1  0x014566e8 in Perl_vmess ()
>>>#2  0x014571dc in Perl_vcroak ()
>>>#3  0x014576b8 in Perl_croak_nocontext ()
>>>#4  0x007dd9c8 in modperl_global_cleanup ()
>>>#5  0x006a3f60 in run_cleanups (cref=0x1806228) at apr_pools.c:1952
>>>#6  0x006a35f4 in apr_pool_clear (pool=0xbffffa1c) at apr_pools.c:694
>>>#7  0x0000ac34 in main (argc=11, argv=0xbffffc40) at main.c:575
>>>Looks like I'm hitting the same problem that Philippe M. Chiasson
>>>reported last month,
> Yup, that's what I've been seeing.
>>Philippe, any chance you could do the promised investigation you have
>>promised at the above URL?
> It's on my radar...

> Stas Bekman wrote:
>>Christian Hansen wrote:
>>>Program received signal EXC_BAD_ACCESS, Could not access memory.
>>>0x014563fc in S_mess_alloc ()
>>>(gdb) bt
>>>#0  0x014563fc in S_mess_alloc ()
>>>#1  0x014566e8 in Perl_vmess ()
>>>#2  0x014571dc in Perl_vcroak ()
>>>#3  0x014576b8 in Perl_croak_nocontext ()
>>>#4  0x007dd9c8 in modperl_global_cleanup ()
>>>#5  0x006a3f60 in run_cleanups (cref=0x1806228) at apr_pools.c:1952
>>>#6  0x006a35f4 in apr_pool_clear (pool=0xbffffa1c) at apr_pools.c:694
>>>#7  0x0000ac34 in main (argc=11, argv=0xbffffc40) at main.c:575
>>>Looks like I'm hitting the same problem that Philippe M. Chiasson
>>>reported last month,
> Yup, that's what I've been seeing.
>>Philippe, any chance you could do the promised investigation you have
>>promised at the above URL?

Just rebuilt myself a fresh blead-perl, fresh httpd-2.0-svn and
mod_perl-2.0-svn. All tests passed!

My hunch is that's it's something about Apple's Perl, and I'll investigate
more later on. For now, I guess the best advice is to try with a self-built
Perl and see if that hepls.

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